" ITREALMS: October 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016

Cybercriminals: Eye on Your Health Records

The report of over 1m health records being compromised was not a smiling matter. REMMY NWEKE writes on the need for patients to care about what happens to their personal health records, especially at this digital era.
Mbong goes to hospital:
Recently, Kemsi Mbong went to a medical facility where he registered his family for usage any time his health fails him or that of any member of his family. In the cause of a surgical operation, he was charged and a few days later was discharged to go home, while he continues with his check-ups eventhough the stitches were very much intact on him.

During his first check-up from him, after seeing his medical doctor, he was furious to discover he was being charged some extras, which he protested and along the line had a shouting match with the medical doctor, although he later apologised when he calmed down, the doctor wrote off the supposed bill and the pharmacist was asked to give him his medication.

However, Kemsi Mbong was not satisfied as he suspected the drugs may have been reduced for the doctor to have written off the medications, thereafter he requested to see his health records or his ‘file’ as the local parlance accommodates. Surprisingly, his request was turned down by the front-desk and pharmacist.

Why you need a personal health record:
Everyone has a fundamental right as a patient to have a Personal Health Record, which is a collection of all of those lab results, x-rays, treatments, prescriptions, appointments, weight-loss plans and medical records in one place. This record, experts say, must be in an accessible place to the patient because it matters and is your health we are talking about here.

Some of the reasons, experts offer on the importance of patient having access to their records to include allowing them or a physician to make better health decisions in the long run; it improves accurate medical response in a crisis and reduces misdiagnosis and the hazards or expenses associated to it. In addition, experts canvassed  that PHR saves you time and money in routine checkups; reduces the number of medical appointments, by allowing a direct connection between physician and patient; enables self-monitoring, which means you can keep your own track on glucose, blood-pressure, diet, medications and many more.

Just as it makes care-giving for the elderly, disabled, or physically and or mentally impaired easier and more effective by way of putting you as a patient, or caregiver, in control of the health, and medical, decisions that affect you and the ones you love.

FOA and personal medical records:
Though Kemsi Mbong persisted and advised they seek a senior management approval to allow him access to his medical records at the private hospital, which they sought, but the doctor on hearing the request was made by the patient who just had a shouting match, reportedly alarmed and promptly declined the offer.

Getting the wind of this development, DigitalSENSE Business News contacted a Freedom of Information (FOI) lawyer, who was identified as Barr. Chukwuemeka, on whether a private hospital qualified for a public institution? He responded by saying that “Yes indeed it is a public institution since it renders services to the public. I should think what applies to government hospitals as a public institution does to a private hospital,” stressing that a public institution is defined in the FOI Act ... Sections 2(7) and 30, insisting that a patient need not apply under the FOI for his or her personal information.

Another lawyer, Barr. Esther Ani noted that a patient could see her own personal records, based on the general law and not FOI Act, explaining that “Personal medical history...is not public information.”
According to Barr. Ejike, the question raised is ideally best addressed under a Data Protection Law, stressing that under Section 14(2)(a) of the FOI Act, a patient has the right to see his/her medical records, if the records are held by a public institution, that is an institution to which the FOI Act applies.  The provision states that “A public institution shall disclose any information that contains personal information if the individual to whom it relates consents to the disclosure.”

He also said, the Doctor-Patient privilege...protects the ‘Patient’s’ information from being disclosed to the public; The Patient however can waive this exemption by giving consent to allow another person access to her personal information but the doctor/hospital cannot; The patient does not have to apply under FOI for her personal information,for the simple reason that it is hers.

Ejike equally stated that the situation would have been different if it was not patient-doctor privilege, pointing out that if it was employee personal information maintained in the cause of employment and functions as a staff of a Public Institution.

As said by him, Section 14, subsection (2) envisaged a “situation where a person (other than the person to whom the information relates) requests access such a request shall be denied...except the person to whom the information relates gives consent.... under s.14 at least 2 different persons are involved.... The patient cannot be an applicant for access ....which is subject to exemption....and also be the person to lift the exemption by giving consent.”

Data Protection Law and FOI:
For Barr. Omenauya, since the discussion is on the patient having access to his or her records, its completely illogical and makes no sense at all as the only reason for the protection of personal information, including information subject to doctor-patient privilege, is to protect the person to whom the information relates.  

“Once the person to whom the information relates consents to disclosure, the institution has no more discretion in the matter and has no reason whatsoever not to disclose the information. The Law states that the institution shall disclose the information. There would be no other reason permissible under the Law for the institution to withhold the information,” he said.

Further, Omenauya said, there is nothing in the FOI Act barring anyone from requesting any information on the ground that the information is about him or her.  And there is nothing in the Act similarly exempting any information from disclosure on the ground that it is about the person asking for it.  A person can ask for information relating to him or her.

100m medical records compromised:
This came as DigitalSENSE Business News gathered that medical records have been touted as increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals, just as 100 million records have been lately compromised.

According to the Area Manager for East and West Africa at Check Point Software Technologies, Rick Rogers, at the recent Healthcare Innovation Summit (HIS), quoted the data from the United States (US) which showed that 89 per cent of healthcare institutions suffered a security breach and were twice more likely to be targeted than other organisations.

Underlining the fact that prevention is better than cure, he noted that the healthcare industry, arguably is one of the most technologically advanced considering the gadgets and devices now used to monitor health statistics and perform medical procedures, is ironically among the most ‘unhealthy’ when it comes to network security.

Medical records more valuable to cybercriminals than credit cards:
Rogers emphasized that healthcare record theft increased a shocking 1,100 per cent this year with more than 100 million records compromised worldwide, stressing that the biggest threat, according to KPMG, comes from external attackers at 65 per cent, while malware tops the list of information security concerns. Pointing out that with technological abilities, there is multi-faceted hindering good information security comprising valuable data, ageing infrastructure, complex networks, no budget and easy targets, coupled with lack of understanding and awareness.

He posted that valuable data comprises data collected and stored by hospitals and other organisations, such as medical aid schemes, is up to 10 times more valuable to cybercriminals than credit card information. Roger noted that due to the sheer volume of information gathered about individuals and the fact that people see an increased shift to digital medical records, which makes it easy to commit fraud and identity theft. He stressed that given the value of this data on the black market, cyber-attacks are becoming ever more sophisticated in their attempts to hack healthcare institutions, to name a few.

Buttress the point on 100 million records compromised, cyber security experts at securityintelligence.com, quoted the Director, Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights, Jocelyn Samuels, as saying that “One of the biggest current threats to health information privacy is the serious compromise of the integrity and availability of data caused by malicious cyberattacks on electronic health information systems, such as through ransomware.”

Samuel identified prevention and protection as essential, since paying cybercriminals does not always guarantee getting required information back, stressing that researchers have discovered a ransomware variant that just deletes files even if it has been paid for according to recent Dark Reading report.
Further, SecurityIntelligence.com reported that the health care industry has continued to experience significant changes in security risk, driven by rapid digitization, changing patient expectations, regulatory pressures from Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and limited budgets, where such exist to name a few.

According to experts at an free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, the terms medical record, health record, and medical chart are used interchangeably to describe the systematic documentation of a single patient’s medical history and care across time within one particular health care provider’s jurisdiction.The health record includes a variety of types of “notes” entered over time by health care professionals, recording observations and administration of drugs and therapies, orders for the administration of drugs and therapies, test results, x-rays, reports to name a few. Also, experts said that the maintenance of complete and accurate medical records is a requirement of health care providers and is generally enforced as a licensing or certification prerequisite.

Thus, the terms are used for both the physical folder that exists for each individual patient and for the body of information found therein.

Over time, health records have traditionally been collated and maintained by health care providers, but given advances in online data storage have led to the development of personal health records (PHR) that are maintained by patients themselves, often on third-party websites. In Nigeria, this kind of service has not gained momentum, yet this concept was supported by the United States (US) national health administration entities and by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Another school of thought argued that a health record is simply a collection of your health information, including your dietary habits, fitness, physical abilities or status, hormonal balance, age, weight, blood pressure, among others, whereas your medical records, are those files that your physicians keep and update whenever you pay them a visit for a checkup, or go into the emergency room. They posited that medical records are usually not available to patients and in times of need, it can be ridiculously expensive to gather all of your medical records. Hence, the sad part is you may not even have the time to do that at emergency period.

Is Nigeria medical records digitized?:
The Chairman ofa cybersecurity organization, Consultancy Support Services (CS2) Alhaji Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola, in his reaction described the situation as certainly an impending challenge, wondering how many Nigerian medical records are currently digitised? He went on to ask how safe or secureis even themanual medical records, currently in use largely, adducing that a visit to a typical medical facility will answer that.

He further asked whetherNigeria as a society really care about such privacy?Just as emphasized that it would evolve a world class medical sector to deploy world class best practices for securing medical data.

The importance of access to information and especially health records cannot be over-emphasised. This is moreso given the number of patients who may have lost their lives due to poor medical attention, records and wrong diagnosis to mention a few.
The urgency with which the insurance could respond to health care system and attacks on health records by men of cybercriminals cannot be over-looked or waived, just as extra education is needed for more Nigerians to continue to embrace and learn further on their undeveloped access to information and their records cannot but be encouraged as that will make more medical doctors to live up to their oath of medical profession, otherwise known as ‘Hippocratic Oath.’ 
DigitalSENSE Business News recalls that the historical oath by medics is usually taken by physicians and stands out as one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts; which in its original form requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards, which at this modern times should include preservation of patients privacy and protection of such rights.
Above all, every patient, has the right to his or her health records, if not a constitutional matter, at least, the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act comes handy to endorse access to information including your own records beyond health institutions, to way of life.
So, when next at your hospital, make effort to ask for your medical records and see how they will react, which definitely will tell you if they cherish your right.

ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

Peter Obi, Ekeh top speakers @ESUT-Yudala enterpreneurship summit

The immediate-past governor of Anambra State, Dr. Peter Obi and Chairman, Zinox Group, Dr. Leo-Stan Ekeh have been confirmed as lead speakers for a mega entrepreneurship summit scheduled for Michael Okpara Square, Independence Layout, Enugu, Enugu State, reports ITRealms.

The summit, ITRealms gathered would take place on Thursday November 4th from 10am, with Prof. Ositadinma Chinedu Nebo as Chairman on the occasion.

In additon, ITRealms reports that the entrepreneurship summit, put together by the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Business School in partnership with Africa’s pioneer composite e-commerce outfit, Yudala will see both renowned entrepreneurs lead the discussions into the nitty-gritty of street entrepreneurship and the ABC of creating and sustaining wealth in 21st Century Nigeria. Also expected as the Special Guest of Honour for the epoch-making event is Deputy Senate President, Dr. Ike Ekweremadu, among other distinguished guests.

Already, anticipation is building up in the city of Enugu and other South Eastern states for the summit, which is expected to also grant many attendees a chance to learn more about YUBOSS – an entrepreneurship and wealth creation scheme set up by Yudala in partnership with Access Bank and Airtel and which has, only recently, received a commitment of N1.5B support from the Leo Stan Ekeh Foundation to generate creative employment and grow future billionaires in Nigeria.

A world-class Nigerian Digital Entrepreneur for over 28 years, Zinox Group Chairman, Ekeh has built the biggest integrated ICT Group in Africa. Honored by former President Obasanjo as an ICON of Hope on October 1st, 2001 to younger Nigerians for his incisive digital entrepreneurship, Ekeh has earned over 70 local and international awards and 5 Honorary Doctorate Degrees for sustained entrepreneurship.

On his part, Dr. Peter Obi, an entrepreneur and former Governor of Anambra State is an astute businessman, with a wealth of experience in banking and corporate circles before veering into politics where he distinguished himself as two-term Governor of Anambra State. A graduate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Peter Obi’s sterling record of entrepreneurship and leadership has made him one of the leading sources of business intelligence and insights in Nigeria and beyond.

The event, which is targeted at professionals, civil servants, students, unemployed and under-employed youth, will afford many an opportunity to benefit from invaluable mentoring tips and sessions from both dignified speakers in the course of the programme, with the wealth of experience of Prof. Nebo – a former University don and erstwhile Minister of Power also expected to raise the level of engagements at the summit.

Interestingly, the venue of the entrepreneurship summit – Michael Okpara Square – will also host the Yudala Coalfest Zero Gravity Mega Music Concerts featuring a host of leading artistes, with a Contemporary Music Concert headlined by Flavour, Zoro, Nigga Raw, Naeto C, Humble Smith and others on Saturday November 5th

This will be followed on Sunday November 6th by what is being touted as the biggest Rock Gospel Concert ever witnessed in the South East featuring Frank Edwards, Sammie Okposo, Buchi, Chioma Jesus, Joe Praise, Steve Crown, Chinyere Udoma, Nkay and Gozie Okeke of Akanchawa fame, among others. It promises to be the most rewarding weekend this year East of the Niger, with all roads in Nigeria leading to the Enugu State capital.

 Nonye Dom/GEE 
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

CSEAN applauds Nigerian banks over dual-level authentication

The National President of the Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN), Mr. Remi Afon, has applauded the Nigerian banks for instituting dual-level authentication in the nation’s financial system, reports ITRealms.

Mr. Afon who was speaking at the 2016 National Cyber Security Awareness Month Event organised by the American Embassy in Lagos at the weekend on “Recognising and Combating Cyber Crime” described the dual authentication by banking institutions in the country, as one of the best guard against cyber fraud in the world today.

According to him, dual authentication by Nigerian banks enables customers to get alert prior to completing a transaction through electronic mail (email) and or by mobile phone one-time password.

He was excited on the effect this kind of authentication will have especially on domiciliary accounts and amounts to increasing cyber concerns and efforts at checkmating fraud by Nigerian cybersecurity professionals.

A standard, he said, is not being offered in developing economies as of today.

On cybercrime facts, Mr. Afon quoted Symantec as underscoring that cybercrime has now surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal money-maker, just as anti-virus company pointed out that somebody’s identity is stolen every 3 seconds as a result of cybercrime.

CSEAN president also noted that Verizon reportedly said that 89 per cent of cybercrime breaches globally had a financial or espionage motive, while Forbes predicted that cybercrime costs have been projected to reach $2 Trillion by 2019.

As said by him, cybercrime damages are expected to cost the world $6 trillion by 2021, just as he outlined some notable Nigerian cybercrime figures.

Afon pointed out that as at November 2015, there is over 97 million Nigerian internet users in the country based on the records of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and quoted the office of the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) as recently revealing that between 2012 and 2014, Nigeria lost some N64 billion to cybercrimes, even as the Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) indicated that the N127 million is lost yearly to cybercrime in Nigeria, while Ultrascan says that $9.3 Billion cost of cybercrime originate from Nigeria, globally.

Afon underscored some of the progress made by Nigeria in the last few years including the signing of the Cybercrime Act on May 15, 2015.

Nigeria, he equally said, went on launch the National Cybersecurity Policy and as at February 05, 2015, established the National Cybersecurity Strategy, whereas the Cybercrime Advisory Board was inaugurated in April 20, 2016.

For him, the Cyber Crime prosecutions are picking up in the country which is a display of seriousness in combatting cybercrimes. Stressing that Nigeria has established Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERRT.ng) currently under the care of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and ngCert was created and under the guidance of the National Security Advisor (NSA).

Remmy Nweke/ED, Ops
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Obasanjo orders for Aba-made shoes, says, 'I use size 42'

The former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, has made an order for Made in Aba shoes, reports ITRealms.

General Obasanjo (Rtd)  made the order through the Chief Marketing Officer of Made-in-Aba Product, Governor Okezie Ikpeazu during the 2016 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Forum in Lagos at the weekend.

As one of the panelist at the forum, Obasanjo said to Governor Ikpeazu: "Governor, I listened to you and I commend you for what you're doing in Abia. Please keep doing what you've told us you're doing. So, Governor of Abia State, you have to send a pair of the shoes to me, I use size 42."

Earlier in his speech at the event, the Abia State Governor said that Aba remains the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) capital of Nigeria, where young Nigerians are engaged in the business of making of shoes, clothing and other products.

The Governor added that a firm that has an order to supply up to 50,000 military boots is currently in Aba, where Aba shoemakers are making the production.

"I am happy to announce here that Aba which is the commercial nerve centre of the Abia State and Old Eastern Region of Nigeria, is also the SME capital of Nigeria, where young people are in the business of making shoes, bags and clothes, including the one I am wearing.

"Let me also announce here that a private firm, that has an order to supply 50,000 military boots is currently in Aba, where our shoemakers are in production for the firm"

Uboshe Uboshe/GEE

ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

ICANN invites volunteers for Registration Directory Service

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has invited applications until December 7, 2016, to be appointed to the Registration Directory Service (RDS) Review Team, reports ITRealms.

ICANN, ITRealms gathered is seeking volunteers to serve on the second review of Registration Directory Service, formerly known as the WHOIS Review, urging interested individuals to provide their information in the stipulated template.

This include a biography, detailing relevant work and/or academic experience, as well as subject matter knowledge; motivation for detailing interest in serving on the Review Team and what they intend to bring to the team; specify the Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC) that they would like to have consider their nomination.

In addition, ITRealms gathered that candidates are to submit their application materials to reviews@icann.org by 7 December 2016, 23:59 UTC.

ICANN promises that all applications and supporting materials will be published as they are received on the RDS wiki page.

Chuks Egbune/GEE
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

Revealed! Why Benin is home of art, culture in Nigeria

Following the just concluded coronation of the 39th Oba of Benin, Nkem Ndem spoke with Prince Omoregbe Erediauwa of Benin, brother to the new king and CEO of Hexagon Networks, who was actively involved in the coronation planning to talk about the impact of the newly enthroned king, Oba Ewaure II on travel and tourism in the state. Excerpts:
Tell us about yourself and your passions
My name is Omoregbe Erediauwa, I am Owner|CEO Hexagon Network Limited, a company that is into Hospitality and Tourism. I like watching movies, listening to music and playing a bit of golf.

What fuels your passion for tourism?
I believe my background has played a major role. I belong to the Benin Royal Family and as such, I grew up in the midst of exquisite art and a very deep culture. As you may be aware, the Benin royal family has been known for its arts and culture for over a thousand years. It was evident in the display of this art and culture in the immediate past coronation ceremony of the present Oba of Benin Oba Ewuare II.

You currently own one of the most popular clubs in Benin, a hotel, and an art gallery, what is the vision behind these establishments?
Well, like I said, growing up, hospitality and tourism were second nature. So, in my University days, I decided to start something with a friend. We started a bar and restaurant called Woodpecker; it was my first business venture sometime in ‘93 – ‘94. I had to shut it down after a year and a half, as I had to travel to complete my Master’s degree. After my Masters, I decided to come back home and start something bigger and better than my last effort. That, basically, was how Hexagon Network Limited was born. The network serves as an umbrella company for The Hexagon: the entertainment outfit, Crowne Art Gallery, Crowne Hotels e.t.c.

What hopes do you have for tourism in Benin and Nigeria as a whole in the future?
I have very high hopes because this was one major thing our new Oba, Oba Ewuare II, talked about in his speech in the presence of the President ably represented by his Vice and Africa’s richest man, and both of them nodded in compliance when he told them that he will need their support in these regards. Also, the ‘Trust’ founded by the Oba – The Benin Royal Dynasty Trust – is also a vehicle that I believe will also help to drive tourism to its greatest height in Edo state and also in Nigeria. Finally, we have two sons from Edo State who are members of The National Assembly chairing the committee on Arts and culture, who I also believe will do their possible best to support us and also the country.

Your brother, formerly crown Prince Eheneden Erediauwa, was crowned the new Oba of Benin at the just concluded coronation, what is the significance of the event to Benin and Africa as a whole?
The coronation has reassured us of our culture and tradition. The event has been celebrated the same way for about or over a thousand years, so reading about it, hearing about it and finally being able to participate in it, draws you closer and makes you appreciate where you are from as a Benin person and an African.

How do you foresee his reign?
In his coronation speech, Oba Ewuare II stated that he would be the embodiment and the expression of culture, aspirations and history of our people and I strongly believe him.  Also, he picked the name of another great king Oba Ewuare 1 (1440-1473), one of the greatest Obas of Benin Kingdom, and that is a hint on what we should expect to see during his reign.

What are the changes you look forward to seeing in this new reign?
Certainly, I look forward to witnessing a higher regard and respect for the palace and the royal institution as a whole from around the world. Also, increased recognition for Benin art and culture.

Why should anyone visit Benin City?
It is glaring. Benin is the home of art and culture, anyone who sincerely appreciates life in itself  is bound to have a memorable time in Benin.

*Contributed by Nkem Ndem, a PR Associate at Jumia Travel

ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mission accomplished: Google Digital Skills for Africa surpasses 500,000 trainees

It was a mission accomplished for Google as it confirmed training over 500,000 persons on the Africa Digital Skills programme, reports ITRealms.

Confirming this, the Google Country Manager for Nigeria, Juliet Ehimuan-Chiazor, said in Lagos while unveiled a portal for the programme, that over 500,000 received trainings in programme which launched in April 2016.

“Though 500,000 people have acquired digital skills since trainings begun six months ago, there are people in Nigeria and across the continent who are unable to attend face-to-face training sessions and who want to acquire digital skills in their own time, from their own phone or computer,” she said.

The online portal, she explained will make it possible for these people to take advantage of the free digital skills training programme. The portal which contains 89 online courses on a wide range of digital subjects including web analytics, social media management and mobile marketing, will be available in English, French and, in the near future, in Portuguese.

“We’re excited that over 500,000 people in Africa have acquired digital skills training through our program and we’re grateful to every organisation that has partnered with us to make it happen. But we are only halfway towards our goal. As we mentioned when we launched the program in April, we want anyone in Nigeria and across Africa to get trained in digital skills. 
Through this new online portal, more people will now be able to gain skills and knowledge that will help them build and grow businesses and find and create new jobs” said Juliet Ehimuan Chiazor.

For Bunmi Banjo, Head of the Africa Digital Skills Programme, Google hopes the portal will enable more people in more African countries to make the most of the web.

“The training is available to anyone, and people who complete the programme will receive a Certificate of Online Proficiency,” Banjo said.

ITRealms recalls that the Internet continues to be a key engine of growth for business in Africa and globally, with estimates putting its total contribution at $300 billion within the coming decade.

Industry observers have noted that although Africa’s online population, which is currently estimated at 340 million is said to have grown by a rate of over 7,000% since 2000, the continent is yet to enjoy a corresponding increase in the size of its web economy.

ITRealms further recollects that in April 2016, Google proclaimed commitment to train 1 million people in Africa on digital skills with the aim of helping more young Africans access and create web-based jobs, and contribute to the growth of Africa's digital economy.

Chuks Egbune/GEE

ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

Jumia preys on Halloween with top 5 Nigerian costumes

This year, Halloween, an annual holiday celebrated on October 31st in several countries around the world, including Australia, Canadaa nd the United States of America, is not a Nigerian culture and has never been announced as an official holiday in the country.
However, thanks to Nigeria's love for anything 'western world' and their proclivity for revelry, some people in the country are now seen dressed up in elaborate costumes and trick or treating around major cities on Halloween day every October.
This year, from Club Illusion’s Halloween party set to hold on Friday28th October atConcord Owerri to Halloween Party – THE LIGHTHOUSE, holding Saturday  29th October  2016 at Marina Lagos, there are so many events already lined up for Halloween. And with the D-day fast approaching, we at Jumia Travel know that it’s crunch time for finding the perfect costume. Given that we know your costume is preying on your mind, we have come up with unique ideas for costumes that can reflect the Nigerian society. If you are going to celebrate Halloween in Nigeria, wouldn’t it be best to make your costume a little indigenous? Read on to get the inspiration you need.
Scary Ghosts/Witches:
A large number of people tend to put on scary costumes for Halloween around the world. From the most terrifying haunted houses to zombies, vampires and monsters like Frankenstein and King Kong, these costumes are geared towards hyping the Halloween spirit. But as Nigerians, you can also channel same spirit through our local scary characters such as Willie Willie and Karishika. Thanks to music artiste Falz; most people have a more modern idea of what the Karishika costume would entail.
dsc_0848TV Favourites:
Another type of costumes that dominate the Halloween scene are costumes depicting favourite TV characters or just famous characters from movies. In Nigeria, some old favorites include Papa Ajasco and  Madam Pepeye from the Papa Ajasco series, Zebrudaya from the Masquerade, but in more recent times, Jenifa from Jenifa’s Diaries series (especially season 1), Akpororo from Comedy shows, e.t.c
The Fashionista:
untitledLove fashion? You can dress as a fun-loving Nigerian fashionista! Don a big, ostentatious wig and peculiar heel boots to go as Denerele, or put on very light skin powder and loud (but perfect) facial make up strut like Bobrisky. You may also want to play the “fashion victim” and re-enact some of the most memorable fashion fails in the Nigerian fashion scene. A good one is the famous Nollywood actress and Actor’s Guild of Nigeria’s President Ibinabo Fiberesima, who came out looking like a peacock at the AMVCA 2016.
Music Icon:
Music artistes in Nigeria generally dress elaborately whether they are on stage or just on the streets and it is easy to copy any of their looks for a marvelous Halloween event. Some that we however consider most iconic to pull off for this 2016 include Cynthia Morgan, FELA , Lagbaja, and of course Falz the bahd guy. For those who want to dress up as a duo, they can consider going as PSquare.
The Oshiomole:
This Halloween, you can embody the spirit of the Oshiomole by rocking his famous military inspired outfit, a Khaki brown shirt and matching shorts with and an “APC” hat (made in China).  You could also dig around for his favourite words or slangs and infuse them in your conversation throughout the day. That gets you extra points.
Contributed by Nkem Ndem, a PR Associate @ Jumia Travel
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!
PIx: Derele, Funke and Adams

Friday, October 28, 2016

MIIVOC urges Wike to intervene over Egi Community,...

Naija AgroNet: MIIVOC urges Wike to intervene over Egi Community,...: NaijaAgroNet : A non-governmental organisation, the Media Initiative against Injustice, Violence and Corruption (MIIVOC) has urged the ...

... Linking agrobiz, sustainable environs, people & technology

Thursday, October 27, 2016

IPv6: Zimbabwe tops in Africa with 4.2% adoption, Belgium leads globally

The southern African nation of Zimbabwe has attained about 4.2 per cent and tops the continent on the adoption of Internet Protocol version Six (IPv6), according to the latest study by Akamai Technologies, reports ITRealms.

Akamai prides itself as the global leader in Content Delivery Network (CDN) services, making the Internet fast, reliable and secure for its clients.
ITRealms also reports that Zimbabwe which ranked 28th in the global top 30 ranking, is the only African country in this category by this study, just as Belgium came top in the ladder with 46.6 per cent adoption attained as at the time of this study.

Belgium is followed by Greece with 27.6 per cent,  Germany coming hard with 26.1 per cent, Switzerland trails with 25.6 per cent, India achieved 25.4 per cent, whereas USA with 23.6 per cent, Luxembourg having 23.4 per cent, Portugal attaining 18.3 per cent, while Estonia reached 16.4 per cent and United Kingdom realising 13.6 per cent.

ITRealms recalls that IPv6 is equally tagged as the newer version of the Internet Protocol which offers a gigantic address space when compared with the older version, the IPv4.

Experts at Akamai explained that while IPv4 has a 32-bit address spaces which is estimated at 4.3 billion IP addresses, IPv6 has a 128-bit address space which equals to 3.4 x 10^38 IP addresses.

In addition, ITRealms reports that IPv6 offers many security features which were not available with IPv4. And following the depletion of IPv4 formally in 2011, the IPv6 was formally launched on June 6, 2012.

Chuks Egbune/GEE
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

Osibanjo to lead Leo-Stan Ekeh, Okere, Obaro @ eNigeria expo 2016

The Vice President of the Federal republic of Nigeria, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, has been confirmed to declare open the eNigeria Expo and Conference 2016, reports ITRealms.

He will be joined by the likes of chairman of Zinox Technologies, Dr. Leo Stan Ekeh, Founder CWG, Mr Austin Okere and chief executive of Systemspecs, Mr. John Obaro, among others. 

The event being organized by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), according to the Head, Corporate Affairs, Mrs. Hadiza Umar, would see Osinbajo who also is the Special Guest of Honour at the event slated for the International Conference Centre, Abuja from November 22nd - 24th 2016.

With the theme: “Leveraging on IT Innovation for Economic Diversification" Umar told ITRealms, is in line with the Nigerian government's policy thrust of diversifying the economy to cope with the rapidly dwindling revenues from the oil sector. Nigeria’s ICT sector has experienced tremendous growth and it has been identified as a credible alternative to oil as a main source of income for the country.

According to her, over the years, eNigeria has created a veritable platform for ICT awareness creation, developing the appropriate framework and setting goals for best practices to position Nigeria in the global information society.

Considering the significance and influence on the growth of ICT landscape that the event is characterized of, stakeholders have put their strong support behind the success of the event once again.  

Umar also quoted the Director General of NITDA,  Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, as saying “ eNigeria  is the  biggest ICT event by the Nigerian government and  has become a platform to explore collaborations between government and private sector players.

Further, she said underscored the event discussions to include on tech start-ups, cyber security, local content and e government.  Others include NITDA-Nihilient eGovernance Awards, Selfie and Barbecue Night and Women in ICT  Dinner and Recognition.

Other conference speakers James Agada, CEO, Computer Warehouse Group, Olusola Teniola, President of the Association Telecoms Companies of Nigeria, ATCON,  Mr. Yele Okeremi, CEO of Precise Financial Systems, Juliet Ehimuen Google Nigeria Country Manager , Dipo Faulkner, Country General Manager, IBM Nigeria, Michelle Messina, Eric Osiakwan, Managing Partner at Chanzo Capital,  Tope Aladenusi, Partner, Risk Advisory, Deloitte Nigeria Helen Anatogu Programme Director and CEO at Ideahub and a host of other notable speakers have confirmed their attendance.

Nonye Dom/GEE

ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

US embassy launches Stop, Think and Connect in Lagos

The United States embassy in Nigeria has marked the 2016 National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) with the launch of the Stop, Think and Connect in Lagos, the commercial centre of the nation, reports ITRealms.

Declaring the event open, the Consul General, Mr. F. John Bray, said that cyber awareness should be everyone’s responsibility, noting that globally, there have been rise in number of individuals, companies, and governments falling victims of cyberattacks.

The concern to protect the populace encouraged in 2009 President Barack Obama’s call for an increase in education and dialogue about cybersecurity in the Cyberspace Security Review.

“As part of this policy review, the Department of Homeland Security created an ongoing Cybersecurity awareness campaign  - StopThinkConnect,” he said.

According to Mr. John Bray, ‘Stop Think Connect’ is a national public awareness campaign designed to raise awareness of cybersecurity and to be more vigilant about practicing safe online habits.”

He urged Nigerians to join the StopThinkConnect campaign so as to have connections to partners and subject matter experts who are committed to increasing online safety; cybersecurity tips, messaging, articles, and presentations; monthly discussions highlighting current cyber issues and trends.

He pointed that people are now spending more time online at home and at work than ever before, stressing that growing dependence on technology, coupled with the increasing threat of cyber-attacks and risks to people’s privacy, demands greater security in the online world.

ITRealms gathered that every year, billions of dollars are lost through cybercrimes globally, just as Mr. John Bray said that cybersecurity ventures predicts that the global community will lose over $6 trillion annually by year 2021.

Other speakers at the event included the President, Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN), Mr. Remi Afon and country manager of Google Nigeria, Mrs Juliet Chiazor and Executive Vice Chairman, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Prof. Umar Garba Danbatta, who was ably represented by the Director, Public Affairs, Mr. Tony Ojobo, while Dr. David Isiavwe moderated the panel.

Remmy Nweke/ED,Ops
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!
Pix: Consul General, Mr. F. John Bray

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