" ITREALMS: IPv6: Zimbabwe tops in Africa with 4.2% adoption, Belgium leads globally

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

IPv6: Zimbabwe tops in Africa with 4.2% adoption, Belgium leads globally

The southern African nation of Zimbabwe has attained about 4.2 per cent and tops the continent on the adoption of Internet Protocol version Six (IPv6), according to the latest study by Akamai Technologies, reports ITRealms.

Akamai prides itself as the global leader in Content Delivery Network (CDN) services, making the Internet fast, reliable and secure for its clients.
ITRealms also reports that Zimbabwe which ranked 28th in the global top 30 ranking, is the only African country in this category by this study, just as Belgium came top in the ladder with 46.6 per cent adoption attained as at the time of this study.

Belgium is followed by Greece with 27.6 per cent,  Germany coming hard with 26.1 per cent, Switzerland trails with 25.6 per cent, India achieved 25.4 per cent, whereas USA with 23.6 per cent, Luxembourg having 23.4 per cent, Portugal attaining 18.3 per cent, while Estonia reached 16.4 per cent and United Kingdom realising 13.6 per cent.

ITRealms recalls that IPv6 is equally tagged as the newer version of the Internet Protocol which offers a gigantic address space when compared with the older version, the IPv4.

Experts at Akamai explained that while IPv4 has a 32-bit address spaces which is estimated at 4.3 billion IP addresses, IPv6 has a 128-bit address space which equals to 3.4 x 10^38 IP addresses.

In addition, ITRealms reports that IPv6 offers many security features which were not available with IPv4. And following the depletion of IPv4 formally in 2011, the IPv6 was formally launched on June 6, 2012.

Chuks Egbune/GEE
ITREALMS ... everything news digitally!

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