" ITREALMS: Experts to demonstrate how TV tech helps save energy - ITREALMS

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Sunday, March 05, 2023

Experts to demonstrate how TV tech helps save energy - ITREALMS

ITREALMS ... making leadership SENSE with digital news!

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) will hold a demonstration featuring the latest advances in television broadcasting technology on Tuesday, 7 March 2023.

Technology to be displayed at the demo includes High Dynamic Range (HDR) broadcasting, Advanced Terrestrial Broadcasting (DVB-I) 5G broadcast capacities and Energy Aware Broadcasting.

The technologies ranging from technical applications that optimize picture quality to those that support sustainability approaches—represent outcomes of studies on broadcasting services conducted by the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).
The demonstration precedes “Broadcasting in times of crisis – 2023,” a joint ITU-EBU workshop to discuss current and future trends using terrestrial radio and television in emergency broadcasting. Presentations from the workshop will be available online.

ITREALMS recalled that ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), driving innovation in ICTs together with 193 Member States and a membership of over 900 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations. Established over 150 years ago, ITU is the intergovernmental body responsible for coordinating the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promoting international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, improving communication infrastructure in the developing world, and establishing the worldwide standards that foster seamless interconnection of a vast range of communications systems. From broadband networks to cutting-edge wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, oceanographic and satellite-based earth monitoring as well as converging fixed-mobile phone, Internet and broadcasting technologies, ITU is committed to connecting the world.

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