" ITREALMS: Winners emerge in UNESCO-IPDC prize on rural communication

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Winners emerge in UNESCO-IPDC prize on rural communication

The International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) prize for rural communication being hosted jointly with the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has been won by Egyptian and Mexican media entities; Wahed Men El-Nas and La voz de los campesinos respectively.

The UNESCO-IPDC prize for rural communication is intended to recognize a meritorious and innovative activity in improving communication in rural communities, chiefly in the developing countries. It was established in 1985 by the Executive Board of UNESCO in pursuance of a decision of the 5th session of the Intergovernmental Council of IPDC.

The UNESCO-IPDC Prize, consisting of a sum of US$20,000, is awarded every other year.
The 2010 edition saw the radio station La voz de los campesinos (The Voice of the Peasants), founded 32 years ago in the eastern state of Veracruz; the first indigenous community radio in Mexico, emerging as top finalist.

The station promotes interactive radio communication with communities, encouraging them to share their history, customs and music. It also helps reinforce the collective rights of the indigenous populations of Veracruz. Programmes are transmitted in three local languages in addition to Spanish.

Also, transmission covers 400 communities, approximately 100,000 people. La voz de los campesinos is part of the Latin American Association of Radio Education (ALER) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC).

On the other hand, Amr Mamdouh Ellissy, who is Editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper ElKhamis and Editor and presenter of both the documentary programme Ekhterak on Egyptian State Television and Dream TV’s weekly social programme Wahed Men El-Nas (One from the Public), which informs rural populations on issues directly concerning them, in particular in the fields of education and health.

Mr Ellissy seeks to work with governmental authorities and civil society organizations to find solutions to social problems in rural areas. He also carries out fundraising and public campaigns through his television programmes.

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