" ITREALMS: Re: 'Obiano urged to wade into Isuaniocha crisis; detention of community PG' Setting records straight - ITREALMS

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Re: 'Obiano urged to wade into Isuaniocha crisis; detention of community PG' Setting records straight - ITREALMS

The attention of members of Isuaniocha community in Awka North LGA of Anambra State has been drawn to issues of lies being sponsored and caused to be propagated in some online media by Mr. Anthony Onyeagolu, deposed President General of Isuaniocha community, who is currently standing trial, along with his accomplices, for the murder and attempted murder of his kinsmen.

Mr. Anthony Onyeagolu and his co-murder accused namely, Moses Emebo, Cyprian Onyeagolu (already in custody with him), Bond Enweani, Stephen Ibeania, Emeka Maduka, Obinwanne Ibeania and others still at large and under police crime watch list, are currently facing trial at the High Court of Anambra State following the conclusion of prolonged Police investigation into their acts of attempted murder of Chidiebele Okoye on 18/11/18 and the murder of Angus Okoye on 16/12/18. They were eventually arraigned on 1/6/20 for attempted murder and on 18/6/20 for murder and are currently remanded in custody.

Anthony Onyeagolu, a rich man with doubtful means of livelihood, did everything within his financial powers to evade arrest and investigation for the murder of Angus Okoye, and when he was eventually arrested, he also spent so much money to compromise and truncate police investigation and scuttle his arraignment for trial after the investigation was concluded.

While still in court-ordered custody, awaiting trial, he has devised a new stratagem to cajole His Excellency, the Governor of Anambra State to come to his rescue. His new schemes include to create false narratives about the reason he is facing trial and to assume the victim's stance in order to gain public sympathy.

Sponsoring and propagating false narratives is Onyeagolu's latest strategy in his ongoing desperate schemes to evade prosecution for his crimes. This follows his last attempt to use the High Courts in Onitsha to obtain court bail by filing false information which also failed. Having woefully failed to stall his arraignment for murder and attempted murder, he and his accomplices have now deceptively resorted to attempts to twist and obfuscate the facts surrounding their criminal involvement in the murder and attempted murder of their two innocent kinsmen whose only offence was that they demanded that Anthony Onyeagolu gives accounts to the community about revenues that were generated during his time as the President General of the community.

Anthony Onyeagolu was deposed as President General of Isuaniocha community on 7/12/18 on the orders of Governor Obiano due to his role in masterminding the vicious assault and attempted murder of Chidiebele Okoye - an attack that left him paralysed. The investigation of that case was stalled by Anthony Onyeagolu aided by the former CP Anambra, CP G.B. Umar, a very corrupt police officer and Onyeagolu's personal friend.

The recent attempt by Anthony Onyeagolu and his family members to use some online media to change the narrative and twist and manipulate facts about the trajectory of his current trial is in furtherance to his ongoing desperate but failed attempts to escape justice for his heinous crimes.

Our community's reaction to the sponsored lies becomes necessary so as to set the record straight and to ensure that His Excellency, the Governor of Anambra State and the general public know the truth and facts of the matter and not be misinformed, deceived or misled by Anthony Onyeagolu and his allies in mischief who are desperate to wriggle out of their present self-inflicted predicament of facing the legal consequences of their crimes of murder and attempted murder of their own kinsmen.

Since his filthy lucre and financial influence have failed to help him escape Police investigation and trial for murder and attempted murder, Onyeagolu has now resorted to the new scheme of attempting to distort and manipulate facts- using some online media- in order to create the false impression that their current predicament is a fall-out of a land dispute in Isuaniocha instead of their criminal acts of murder and attempted murder.

Therefore, we, the members of the affected families and concerned community members hereby assert and make it clear that Anthony Onyeagolu and his co-accused were arrested, investigated and are currently standing trial squarely for murder and attempted murder, and not for any land dispute in our community, Isuaniocha.

What are Anthony Onyeagolu's new narratives?

Anthony Onyeagolu, the prime suspect in the crimes of murder and attempted murder of their kinsmen caused to be published a misleading report in some online media purporting that 'indigenes of Isuaniocha community in Awka North Local Government Area have urged the state governor to intervene in the crisis rocking the community.'

The misleading publication went further to claim that 'the community expressed unhappiness over the continued detention of the immediate past President General of the community, Chief Anthony Onyeagolu, despite being Absolved of allegation of murder.'

It is pertinent to point out that the publication did not name 'the indigenes of the community who spoke to journalists in Awka'.

The report went further to claim that 'Onyeagolu who has been in detention in Abuja since January 2020 was released by the police commissioner in charge of legal/prosecution, CP Austin Sanomi, after being found innocent of the murder of one Angus Okoye, but kept in police custody (in) Anambra.'

It went further to claim that 'Police in Abuja have investigated the murder of one Angus Okoye which was levelled against him and found that he was not even in town on the day Okoye was kidnapped and murdered, and they released him, but on getting to Anambra, they have arrested him again and kept him in detention.”

The report made reference to 'a letter by the commissioner of police, Legal/prosecution section of force criminal intelligence and investigation department, Austin Sanomi presented by the family which they claimed 'absolved Onyeagolu of Okoye’s murder, while ordering his release'. Part of the letter by CP Sanomi reads, “Onyeagolu in his statement stated that he was not in the community when the crime was committed.

“The alibi pleaded by Onyeagolu has been investigated and found to be true, while one Mr. Paulinus admitted that Onyeagolu was with him in Onitsha on the day of the kidnap and murder of Okoye.”

The commissioner said that the murder cannot be traced to Onyeagolu, saying that the murder charge cannot be sustained.

The report concluded by claiming that 'members of the community called for the immediate release of the former President General, while urging Obiano to quickly intervene in the crisis in the community to avoid escalation' .

Our Response:

1. The above referenced publication sponsored by Anthony Onyeagolu from custody is a mere futile attempt to obfuscate facts and deceive the unwarry. Nothing can be further from the truth.

One of the outstanding lies contained in the sponsored publication is that Anthony Onyeagolu was released in Abuja and re-arrested when he came to Awka. This is a shameless barefaced lie. From the day Anthony Onyeagolu was arrested in Awka after he left the office of the Secretary to Anambra State Government, Professor Solo Chukwulobelu whom he approached to seek his help out of the police manhunt on him, he was taken to Abuja and never released until he was transferred to the State CID cell where he was held pending arraignment. His attempts to get the CP Anambra State Command to release him failed.

2. The so-called members of Isuaniocha community who purportedly addressed the press in Awka are no more than Anthony Onyeagolu's elder brother Paulinus Onyeagolu who lives in Onitsha and who harboured him in his house where Anthony and his co-murderers ran to immediately after they murdered Angus inside their family compound in Isuaniocha before dumping his dead body at the Nawgu - Otoko Isuaniocha boundary where it was recovered by the police with bullet wounds. The passport photograph of Moses Emebo, one of the suspects facing trial with Anthony and also remanded with him was picked up at the spot where the deceased was murdered.

Apart from members of the Onyeagolu family and very few lucre-driven loyalists in the community, the entire Isuaniocha community are united in grief and in the quest for justice for the murder of Angus Okoye and the attempted murder of Chidiebele Okoye. In fact, the current fight for justice for Angus and Chidiebele can safely be said to be a fight between Anthony Onyeagolu and his terror gang and the rest of the Isuaniocha community who demand reprieve from Anthony Onyeagolu's terror gang.

Why, we may ask again, did the publication not mention the names of 'the community members' who purportedly addressed the media in Awka?

3. The 'community members' who purportedly addressed the media in Awka did not also state that upon conclusion of investigation of Anthony Onyeagolu and others for the murder of Angus Okoye at the homicide section of the FCID, Force Headquarters, Abuja, they were brought to the State CID Awka and detained pending their arraignment for trial at Awka High Court.

4. They did not also mention that Anthony Onyeagolu and the compromised and corrupt CP Legal CP Austin Sanomi made efforts to get the CP Anambra to release Anthony Onyeagolu from the state CID Awka cell but failed to secure his cooperation, and consequently, at about midnight on 20/04/20, the corrupt and compromised CP Sanomi, ordered the O/C Legal, CID Awka to surreptitiously release Onyeagolu from Police custody without the knowledge of the DIG FCID and the CP Anambra. CP Sanomi had also tampered with the case file by smuggling in the 'alibi' which Anthony and his handlers now conveniently plead, but which was not part of the original report of Police investigation. CP Sanomi was paid heavily by Anthony Onyeagolu to tamper with the police report of investigation in order to create an escape route for him.

How come the 'community members' who purportedly addressed the press in Awka failed to also inform the media that for his unbecoming act of corruption and professional misconduct, CP Sanomi received a query and was further ordered by the DIG FCID, to ensure that Anthony Onyeagolu was re-arrested and returned to police cell within 48 hours and charged to court immediately?

Of course, following the DIG's order, Anthony Onyeagolu was re-arrested and charged to court, first on 1/6/20 for the attempted murder of Chidiebele and later on 18/6/20 for the murder of Angus Okoye.

We state the foregoing to set the records straight and to ensure that Anthony Onyeagolu and his few supporters do not succeed in spreading lies and distorting facts with the view to misleading His Excellency, the Governor of Anambra State and the General public.

On the Land Dispute
On the land in question which Onyeagolu and his cohort now want to front as the reason for their arrest and trial, we wish to state that the issue of the land has been in court long before the arrest of Anthony Onyeagolu. On the day he was arrested, he had just left the office of the Secretary to the Government of Anambra State, Professor Solo Chukwulobelu on 11/2/20. He went to persuade the SSG to give the Governor the impression that Isuaniocha was in a conflict over a land dispute for which the Governor should set up a panel of inquiry.

Land matter was neither the remote nor immediate cause of Anthony Onyeagolu's arrest. He was arrested for murder and not for any land dispute, as he now wants to make the public believe. The truth is that he has run out of schemes to secure his freedom. Now he resorts to false narratives and attempt to manipulate public opinion through false publications.

The land in question belonged to three families in Isuaniocha community who magnanimously donated various portions of their land to the community secondary school. The three families are Amakpu, Irunnebe and Mkpume in Isuaniocha.

The Governor was prompted to set up a panel of inquiry over the dispute arising from greedy attempts by Anthony Onyeagolu to encroach into the school land donated by the three families, in utter abuse of his power as the PG. The community opposed him.

Unfortunately, the conduct of members of the panel of inquiry rendered their work discreditable. Their conduct was a travesty and injustice against the families and the community as a whole.

The Panel of inquiry sat and concluded its work and submitted its report without inviting or hearing from the three families who were the original owners of the land. The panel wrote its report based only on the false and one-sided petition and information supplied to the panel by the petitioners namely, Anthony Onyeagolu, Fr. Mathew Attansey and Chief Paul Okoye.

The three families who were the original owners of the land in dispute were neither invited nor heard by the panel. This is against the principles of fair hearing and natural justice.

The Secretary to the State Government, Professor Solo Chukwulobelu, who has vested interest in the matter, having failed in his previous attempt to free Anthony Onyeagolu after he was arrested by the police after visiting him in his office and after months of being sought for by the police for his involvement in kidnapping, murder and attempted murder of both Angus Okoye and Chidiebele Okoye, resorted to misleading His Excellency into setting up a panel of inquiry based on false premises. His sole intention in convincing His Excellency to set up the panel was to make Anthony Onyeagolu appear like an innocent man who was trying to protect government property from being taken by the three families, who donated the land in the first place.

The three families have been in court against Anthony Onyeagolu and his cohort long before he committed the heinous crimes for which he was eventually arrested, investigated and now facing trial. His arrest has nothing whatsoever to do with the land in dispute as the Secretary to the Government and Anthony Onyeagolu try to mislead the Government and the public to believe. The panel is certainly not going to reflect this truth in its report because it was teleguided and biased ab initio.

The three families, and indeed, the entire community, want to let His Excellency know that the case of the land has been in court and has nothing to do with the arrest of Anthony Onyeagolu and his accomplices in the crime of kidnapping, attempted murder and murder.

The three families, therefore, request his Excellency to order an unbiased inquiry into the land dispute. They assure the Governor that they are not involved in land encroachment or land grabbing at the community secondary school Isuaniocha as is being falsely and mischievously purported. The families have overwhelming evidence to prove their case if invited. They owned the land and donated part of it for the establishment of the school. How can the original owners of the land be described as land grabbers while those whose intention is to actually engage in land grabbing be referred to as the real owners?

Isuaniocha community appeals to the governor to order a review of what transpired during the sitting of the panel.

Finally, we wish to conclude with the following observations and posers as put forward by Chief Edward Okoye, elder brother to the murdered Angus Okoye:

1. Running to online news Network to pay them to publish falsehood without investigation to ascertain the truth this time that all their networks, money sharing and intrigues to pervert justice for 1yr plus failed will not change justice not to take its full course in the heinous crime committed by Onyeagolu family in Isuaniocha which is sacrilegious.

2. Who killed Angus? They are from Isuaniocha and they will be able to answer the question just like any Isuaniocha man and woman.

3. Why are they looking for Obiano now that the murderer-in-chief is arrested. When he tried to murder chidiebele Okoye and failed, he did not call Obiano and Obiano removed him from seat as evil PG, he did not call him. When he killed Angus and blocked Anambra police command under his CP bosom friend not to investigate the homicide case with his money he did not call Obiano, when he blocked the investigation throughout 2019 at Abuja using all the police formations- the SARS of all levels, Anti-cults the State CID, the IRT, the IGP Monitoring Units etc intimidating, harassing, arresting, detaining unlawfully and perverting justice with his money throughout 2019, he did not call Obiano.

4. When he was boasting with his money that police is at his beck and call which he actually did for them to work for him till the money expired now, he did not remember Obiano.

5. When he came to govt house to have deal with SSG to change the narrative, he did not remember Obiano.

6. When he paid ransomly to CP legal he is quoting now who sold his human conscience and betrayed his oath of office as a police officer to defend justice and wrote to change the course of justice and fairness, he did not remember Obiano.

7. When the CP legal failed to release him in Abuja after collecting such huge ransom to let him out of the hook, Obiano was not in existence then.

8. When they struck deal with over N10m and smuggled the murderers kept at Awka by FCID, Homicide section for arraignment in the mid night of 20/4/20 without the consent of the CP Anambra State, the IPO who kept them and the DIG, FCID Abuja before it blew open, there was no crisis in Isuaniocha then to call Obiano.

9. When they had another deal with police to sue only them without the consent of the complainant in far away Onitsha under fundamental human right with falsehood to deceive court to obtain unconditional release outside Awka jurisdiction where the murder was committed, Obiano was not a Governor then.

10. Why did the DIG FCID gave 48hrs to legal dept to rearrest them if the paid off CP legal has respected justice he supposed to protect?

11. Now that all their plans with CP legal and CP Homicide backfired, his police connections failed, N500m budgeted to silence the truth expired, justice is now about to take place, all their crooked ways blocked completely then they reminded Obiano to wade into Isuaniocha crisis that ended with him when he killed late Angus Okoye and disappeared with his hitmen. They planned to bring in college land with the SSG to draw sympathy from Govt who deposed him for attempted murder of Chidiebele Okoye on 18/11/18 who survived miraculously after presumed death. They manouvered the arraignment with police connection and money and jumped bail and absconded from court arraignment.

12. Anthony Onyeagolu boasted that he is highly connected and that Angus Okoye must be eliminated and he actually held the meeting on 13/12/18 at Mile End hotel, Awka owned by one of the suspect, Mr. Bond Enweani and on 15/12/18, the operation of kidnapping was carried out and on 16/12/18 he was killed in Onyeagolu's family house in Otoko village to the hearing of the cry of the deceased for help and was abandoned at Nawgu boundary with Otoko Isuaniocha.

13. Anthony took his mother away that early morning to Onitsha where his brother Paulinus who claimed that Anthony was with him that night and from there the mother was taken to Ghana as we speak now.

14. All the suspects deserted Isuaniocha community before the day broke that day till date on self exile. One of the suspects with Anthony in court detention, Moses Emebo's passport picture was picked at the spot where the deceased was finally shot to death with two bullets piercing through his neck and chest.

14. Court is the last bus stop to declare somebody guilty or not guilty, why are they afraid of getting right justice from competent court of law. Why are they still talking about CP legal who has obviously sold his conscience to bring shame to police authority and his office.

15. Why are they peddling falsehood with online newslines who are not ready to carry out investigative journalism to find out the truth of the matter and safe their reputation. Why are they remembering Obiano now that their total system has crumbled without reminding him that they kidnapped and assassinated a worthy citizen of Anambra State still lying in the mortuary till date due to their wealth and connection with police to silence investigation not to bury him but the same police has done noble to unravel the murderers. They have used their money to bring in since his arrest which was ark of God, the Senators, all the retired DIGs/AIGS, changed thousands of lawyers every week in Abuja and Awka here who bowed out and abandoned him to his fate to maintain their dignity after not only hearing the truth but embracing it. Onyeagolu family has no other option left than to be running from pillar to post since the nemesis of their evil crime has caught up with them like a drowning man in the middle of ocean looking for where to hold on to. Let the online writers know that Police has charged the cases to court and hands off and their remanding in prison custody although under police custody due to coronavirus was court order for them to correct the impression and stop misleading the public. All the documentary evidences and exhibits in all our claims are available for public consumption to sustain the truth at all times on request.

Signed for the community:

1. Chukwujekwu Okoye

2. Chief Edward Okoye

3. Ike Okonkwo

4. Felix Onyibor

5. Mathew Mkpume

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