" ITREALMS: IPOB calls for ‘Biafrexit’ vote, urges Britain support

Saturday, June 25, 2016

IPOB calls for ‘Biafrexit’ vote, urges Britain support

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has called for the ‘BIAFRAEXIT VOTE’ from Nigeria and invited the British government to support this call in line with the recent Brexit, asserting that the time has come for BIAFREXIT and Britain must support it, reports ITRealms.

In a press statement, endorsed by both spokespersons of IPOB, Barrister Emma Nmezu and Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya, and made available to ITRealms, the group urged the British Government which is allegedly the closest ally of the Nigerian Government must, as a mark of exemplary leadership, guide President Muhammadu Buhari and his colleagues to organize a BIAFREXIT akin to the recently organized BREXIT.

While commending the government and people of Britain for organizing the BREXIT vote and applauding the British Government for respecting the wishes of her citizens, IPOB, however, said it smacks of hypocrisy that the same David Cameron that initiated the BREXIT vote has been propping up the Buhari‘s government in their murderous acts of suppressing the quest by Biafrans to exit from Nigeria.

“This leaves Biafrans to ask if David Cameron’s hypocrisy is because Biafrans are blacks and if black Africans are inferior to white British people,” IPOB asked.

The group went on to ask why David Cameron thinks that what is good for the white British people is not good for the black people of Africa, especially Biafrans, stressing that Mr. David Cameron, in organizing BREXIT is taking advantage of the rights of people to make their choice.

“But in denying Biafrans the right to choose their own nation, David Cameron is telling Biafrans that they are inferior because of the colour of their skin. David Cameron is directly telling Biafrans that because they come from an inferior race, they do not deserve to exist as a nation of their own choice,” IPOB alleged.

According to the spoke-persons, there are indications that Scotland will restart their agitation for separation from Britain and both David Cameron and his would-be successor will not stop them nor will they roll out tanks and other lethal weapons to mow down the Scots like the British-supported Nigeria has been doing to Biafrans.

“We have to re-emphasize here that self-determination is a right that must be exercised by all free people. Even Donald Trump, the presidential candidate of the Republican Party in the USA tweeted on the 24th of June, 2016 that 'Self-determination is the sacred right of all free peoples,'” the duo spokespersons said.

By blocking the self-determination efforts of Biafrans through overt and covert supports to the killer leadership in Nigeria, IPOB said, David Cameron is telling the world that Biafrans are still in slavery despite the abolition of slavery in 1833.

IPOB have also observed with keen interest the consistent British Government’s official policy of not supporting any Christian nation that needs support for independence or that is going through any form of internal or external aggression.

“On the other hand, the British Government has always supported a Muslim nation against a Christian nation in any conflict just as they supported the Muslim-dominated Nigeria to carry out genocide against a Christian Biafran nation between 1967 and 1970. While IPOB is not against the religious inclinations of any nation, we do note with concern the British Government’s penchant for supporting Muslim nation against a Christian nation,” IPOB said.

Also, IPOB noted that the faulty argument by David Cameron and the British Government that they do not want to alter the pre-independence territorial integrity of Nigeria; pointing out that the same territorial integrity of Nigeria was tampered with by the ceding of Bakassi to Cameroun.

IPOB further recalled that in 1982 Britain went to war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands but this same Britain never supported Nigeria to prevent the ceding of Bakassi to Cameroun and this distortion of the pre-independence territorial integrity of Nigeria is the same excuse used by Britain to continue to keep Biafra under Nigeria.

The group emphasized that from the success of BREXIT, IPOB calls upon the incoming Prime Minister to work with Buhari to speedily organize BIAFREXIT, besides warning the incoming Prime Minister on the failure to probe the criminality of Buhari against the Biafrans which if not carried out, will make Britain culpable in the re-enacted 21st century Biafran genocide.

“It is unfair and hypocritical that the British Government will allow free expression of the wishes of her citizens while on the other hand supporting Buhari in his brutal mass-murder of Biafrans who are exercising their God-given freedom to determine their nationality. We believe that the days of slavery are gone and the black race should not be treated as an inferior and expendable race,” IPOB said, insisting “The time has come for BIAFREXIT and Britain must support it.”

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