" ITREALMS: Zain takes Ogaline to Enugu fair

NLNG global

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zain takes Ogaline to Enugu fair

LEADING Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications services provider, Zain Nigeria over the weekend, stormed the ongoing Enugu International Trader Fair with its latest Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) solution OgaLine, Wake a Millionaire Offer as well as a bouquet of other products and services, reports CHARLES OKOH.

Zain would be joining over two hundred manufacturers and service providers to showcase their customer-focused products and solutions.

According to Mr. Emeka Oparah, Head of Public Relations & Corporate Social Responsibility, Zain Nigeria’s SME’s Oga Line would be formally unveiled for customers in the Eastern region, one of five regions of the Zain operational structure

Also, the company’s new marketing initiative, “Wake Up A Millionaire”, an interactive SMS offer that rewards customers for texting regularly and participating in a text-based quiz would be showcased at the fair.

He said the 21st Enugu International Trade Fair provides Zain a platform for showcasing its arrays of exciting products and services to Nigerians in the South Eastern states and the adjoining states and to interact directly with customers in its continuing effort to provide them a world class customer experience.

On OgaLine, he said effective communications is vital to improved productivity, efficiency and performance for Small and Medium Scale businesses, adding that the package enables SMEs to maximize profit and control mobile spend.

Oparah said Zain is helping to create harmony between employees and owners of SMEs, by empowering them to control both budget and airtime usage with the ability to transfer airtime to those on OgaLine mobile network.

He also said customers would experience the full range of Zain products and value services at the Enugu Fair including the Zain Joli range, its fast expanding Mobile Internet service and the accompanying data card.

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